The perfect answer to chillier winter days is a bowl of chili! It's a hot topic with passionate attitudes about exactly what comprises a good chili. We offer three right answers for making a "great chili" in this issue with recipes and tips for a White Chicken Chili, an Almost Texas-Style Chili, and a Spicy Three Bean Chili.
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We've counted, swept, scrubbed, polished and even put in a new furnace and everything's back in place! We've got a few new things for you to see, some great new serveware and cookware in fun colors to brighten these winter days, and a cup of hot tea to warm you up. Come in and have a look!
RED BAG SATURDAY - January 30th
We also need to remind you that our first Red Bag Saturday of 2016 is coming up quickly. Red Bag Members can enjoy 20% off most things in the store on Saturday, January 30th. From now until the 29th, we'll have another Red Bag Roundup. In other words, if you don't have a Red Bag yet, just come in and fill out a Kitchen Cash Card and make at least one purchase at Acorn Farm and we'll move you up to Red Bag status! If you're already a Kitchen Cash Club Member with at least one purchase recorded on your card, just visit the store and we'll upgrade you! Membership in the club is completely free!
You'll be happy to know that there are still a few openings left in some of our classes.We've got a world of flavors in our classes this quarter and we're excited about every single one of them.Take a look and see if we can tempt your tastebuds with a few new dishes from a world away. Enjoy some great ethnic cuisine -- you might just pick up some new go-to recipes! Do you think you know Italian cuisine? We're going to dig a little deeper than our typical American favorites. Greek? It's more than just gyros and Greek salad! You never know until you try -- so expand your gastronomic horizons. Here are the classes that still have some spots open:
Wednesday, January 27 - 7:00 - 8:30pm, $40, 1 spot left CHINESE TAKE-OUT
with Chef Steven
We all love Chinese take-out but wouldn't it be convenient to put together those flavors at home? Now that Asian ingredients are readily available at the grocery store, learn to make those great dishes yourself with a little help from Chef Steven!
Wonton Soup - a filled wonton in a sea of flavorful broth Chinese BBQ Baby Ribs with Sticky Sweet Sauce Sesame Chicken with Broccoli - learn the basics, then use any protein you'd like, even tofu! Sweet Chili Shrimp Roast Pork Lo Mein with Fresh Vegetables - tender Asian noodles with the added texture and flavor of a variety of vegetables Mango Pudding with Melange of Fresh Fruit - If you haven't fallen in love with the mango yet, you're about to!
Monday, February 1 - 6:30 - 8:30pm, $25 - 3 spots available
What's so special about a VitaMix? Truth is, we didn't know either until we took the class! We had no idea just how versatile this amazing kitchen tool is for all sorts of kitchen tasks. It does smoothies, of course, but come and find out exactly what this thing can do! From healthy eating, to speeding up your food prep, you'll be amazed at it's capabilities.
This class is a true cooking class, not just your big box store demo. Each person leaves with a beautifully printed recipe booklet! The class is free for anyone who purchased a Vitamix from us this year. For everyone else, it's $25. However, book a spot for a friend and it's "buy a spot, get a spot free!" This is a great class at $25, but an even better one at half price! Here's a small sampling of what we'll be learning to make:
Tortilla Soup - hot and delicious, made right in your Vitamix, really! Chopped Salad - you didn't know it could chop, did you? Vinaigrettes, Nut Butters, Green Smoothies, Pesto, Hummus, and more!
Get the most out of your machine, and the produce department! We only do this once a year so book your spot now!
Thursday, February 11 - 7:00 - 8:30pm, $40, 1 spot left
with Chef Steven Living in the Detroit area, we have a nice selection of Middle Eastern restaurants, but sometimes you just don't feel like going out. Middle Eastern cuisine is such a broad category but we tried to select some favorites that are common to most countries in that neck of the woods. Chef Steven will be teaching us to make these classics.
Tabbouleh - Fresh and fantastic! Lots of parsley, onions, and bulgur, seasoned just right. The perfect side salad whether you're having falafel or kabobs. Falafel on Pita with Tzatziki Sauce, Tomato and Onion - Outstanding deep-fried balls or patties made from ground chickpeas served on a traditional pita with cucumber sauce and fresh vegetables. Hummus - Steven will show us how to get the texture just right. Garlicky, lemony, tasty perfection. Baba Gannoush (roasted eggplant dip) - The most uncomplicated dish ever created and divine in its simplicity. We'll turn you into devotee. Lamb Kabobs - You can make them from beef or lamb -- they're delicious either way! Perfectly seasoned. Great for family fare or a dinner party. Galaktoboureko - Can you say Galaktoboureko? No? Neither could we. It doesn't matter, though, because our mouths will be full of this delicious desert that is actually Greek in origin but typical of the dessert flavors you would find in Middle Eastern countries. A delicious custard, wrapped in phyllo, served with a sweet, clear syrup over all. An absolute delight!
Wednesday, February 17 - 7:00 - 8:30pm, $40, OR Thursday, February 18 - 7:00 - 8:30pm, $40
(Space available in both of these classes.)
with Chef Steven You've no doubt read about our trip to the Amalfi Coast in April. This is our cooking school's nod to Italy for those of us unable to join the tour! Come and learn to make some dishes that you haven't prepared before. There's more to Italian cuisine than just spaghetti and pizza!
Crostini with Artichoke Paste - Mozzarella & roasted tomatoes - now THAT'S amore! Broccoli & Salsicci - Broccoli rabe with sausage and fennel Risotto Pescatore - A lovely seafood risotto. Panzanella Salad - Of course, we'll put bread in the salad! Mangia! Limoncello Mousse - Made with ladyfingers and sprinkle of fresh berries. What's not to love?
Wednesday, March 16 - 7:00 - 8:30pm, $40, a few spots still available!
The Mediterranean region plays host to some of the fabulous flavors of the world. Lots of fresh, sun-ripened tomatoes, olive oil, balsamic, fish fresh from the sea, and a bounty of vegetables. We thought you'd enjoy these traditional dishes.
Big Bean Bake - Just like Uncle Nikolos used to make! Elevate the lowly bean by simmering in a rich, herbed tomato sauce, brightened with citrus! Briam - The recipe that will be in every Greek grandmother's cookbook! A delicious Greek roasted vegetable dish, hinting at ratatouille, but flexible with whatever is in season. Throw in a few potatoes and some goat cheese for good measure and you'll be hooked. Sea Bass - Fresh fish and Greece go together like America and apple pie. If you want to know how to prepare it to perfection, look to the folks who eat it nearly every day! Great for your health, but even better for your taste buds! Rizogalo - An exquisite grown-up rice pudding with wine-poached fruit. You'll be a fan, for sure. Mini Thyme Breads - Baked in a flower pot or a little popover pan. Lots of thyme, lots of butter, lots of yum!
Happy Cooking!
Kathy Magaluk and all of us at Acorn Farm