A good soup meets all the criteria for a quick and easy supper. It's nourishing, tasty, and a great way to boost nutrition by including local, seasonal vegetables.
IN THIS ISSUE, we renew our love of fall soups with a focus on filling and fulfilling recipes ready for any day of the week. A pot of soup cooks without too much tending, and is forgiving if dinner is late, or destined to be eaten in shifts. Pair a bowl of soup with a salad, a crust of bread, and maybe a glass of wine for a perfect cool weather supper.
This is a busy week at ACORN FARM and we hope that you'll take advantage of the TWO FREE events that we're having! It all starts TODAY from 12 noon to 2 pm with a visit from Trish Ranallo of LE CREUSET. Come for 15 minutes or the whole time, it will be an ongoing demo. See the full description below! THIS SATURDAY brings an another favorite occasion! Our twice-annual KNIFE SHARPENING with Ed Bartush of Wusthof. That will take place from 12 noon until 3 pm. You'll find the details for that below as well!
Both of these events are FREE and there will more than likely be some SPECIAL PRICING on the brands featured. We hope to see you a little later today and on Saturday as well.
Le Creuset Petit Dejeuner - FREE! No Registration Required!
Thursday, October 20th - 12noon - 2 pm with Trish Ranallo of Le Creuset Sometimes, it can be difficult to get into Trish's classes, so we're offering this great, FREE, lunch & learn demo while we've got her in town. Petit Dejeuner means 'little breakfast' and we'll be showing some wonderful brunch ideas prepared in Le Creuset's fabulous French cookware. We're still putting together the details but we'd like it to be a fun afternoon with door prizes, recipe giveaways, and more -- maybe even a 'secret sale' that we normally don't offer on some Le Creuset pieces.
Stay Sharp - A Knife Sharpening Event - FREE! No Registration Required!
Saturday, October 22nd Once or twice a year, Ed Bartush graciously joins us to sharpen your knives for free! Bring your knives -- any brand, no serrated, please. In keeping with our knife-day tradition, we'll also have a donation jar for Community Sharing. Our customers are a generous lot and each year, we've been able to help Community Sharing because of customers like you!
A Yuletide Tapestry - Our Annual Holiday Open House - FREE!
Sunday, November 13th - 12noon-4pm
We'll supply you with more details as time goes on, but we'd love you to pencil it in on your calendar. We'd like you to be our guest that day. Come in for some food & fun, a first look at our holiday merchandise & decor, drawings, giveaways, and more!
Typically our RED BAG DAYS land on the last Saturday of any month with five Saturdays, however, we've found that all of you prefer to have a Red Bag Day on Thanksgiving weekend. So . . . October's Red Bag day will instead happen on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 26th
Since deer-hunting season is just around the corner; we've got some things in the store to help you after your successful hunt. One is the VENISON BIBLE, including everything you need to know about cooking venison. The other is the KITCHENAID MEAT GRINDER ATTACHMENT, perfect for preparing venison sausage. If you're a hunter, or are on the receiving end of some great venison, you might want to take a look.
Another thing we'd like to bring to your attention is the great special from Swiss Diamond. With every $150 Swiss Diamond Purchase, you'll receive a FREE 7" fry pan. The staff at Acorn Farm all agree that Swiss Diamond produces the BEST NONSTICK COOKWARE any of us have used. It's durable, reliable, and can be used on the stovetop or in the oven.
Happy Cooking!
Kathy Magaluk and all of us at Acorn Farm